*Culture Art Music Education Summer Camp *
*CDA Classes*
*CDA Renewal*
* Staff Development * 
Once you obtain a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ from the Council for Professional Recognition, the organization which credentials early childhood educators, you will have taken the first step in your career professional development. However, to ensure that every teacher stays up-to-date with best practices for the industry, the Council requires that professionals renew their CDA credentials every three years.
Your CDA Credential may only be renewed for the original setting, age-level endorsement, and specialization. Additional information, including the CDA Renewal Procedures Guides for each setting, can be found on the CDA Council's website by clicking here. https://www.cdacouncil.org/credentials/renew-cda
CDA Renewal candidates a complete package of online courses equivalent to the 4.5 CEUs required by the Council. A CEU reflects 10-course hours, which, for a working early childhood educator, can be a tall order. That's why at Academic Excellence we allow you to work through your courses at your own pace — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online.
The CDA Renewal curriculum provides you comprehensive online coursework in the following areas:
Administration, Leadership and Professional Development
Classroom Best Practices
Curriculum and Lesson Planning
Growth and Development
Health and Safety
Working with Children and Families.
To start your own CDA Renewal Course today, select the appropriate setting: